My honest opinion of the men's health clinic. I was with them for approximately 3 months.
My initial bloods to get the ball rolling cost around £150. Then I received a very brief phone call from the man himself, Dr. Stevens, which seemed quick and to the point: yes, you need to start a TRT protocol.
I then had to travel down to Ferndown for my first appointment with Dr.Williams.
When I arrived, they got you to stand on a BMI machine to work out your body fat percentage. Then I went into the room for a chat about everything. The doctor was pleasant enough, and he explained the treatment as well as going over some of your medical history. I was there in total for maybe just over an hour.
I then proceeded to the front desk to pay. I saw the man himself again, Dr. Stevens, chatting with the receptionist, not saying hello. Any way I went to pay, I knew roughly what the 3-month treatment was going to cost, but they never once explained how much the consultation was going to cost.
£902 was the full cost; £420 of that was for a new patient consultation. I was a little taken aback; they should have explained the cost of everything beforehand. For me, this seems a little sneaky.
Anyway, I began the regimen of daily testosterone and HCG injections.
Everything went fine for the first three weeks, but then I began to get chest aches due to severe acid reflux. I endured for a few weeks before emailing them with my worries, and they advised me to keep an eye on it. It turned out to be GERD caused by hormonal fluctuations. A few weeks later, I began to have severe symptoms such as poor sleep, anxiety, nausea, and exhaustion. I had to book another consultaion at the cost of £70, he said I needed more blood test, so I paid an additional £80, plus £55 for someone to come out and take them, and another £70 for a 10-minute conversation with Dr. Williams to go over the results. cost is adding up!
My blood tests were all over the place; testosterone was sky high, as was free testosterone, and oestrogen had quadrupled. I suggested lowering the HCG; he advised me not to and instead take some medications to lower my oestrogen levels.(at another cost of £87) He also appeared to blame everything on my sleep, nutrition, and lifestyle. Aside from my sleep, everything was is going well. How would that cause my testosterone and oestrogen levels to rise?
I spoke with several people, including health specialists, who recommended changing the frequency of testosterone and HCG doses because my body was extremely sensitive. Dr Williams did not recommend this; instead, they appear to take a cookie-cutter approach to everything.
So I'm now on two daily injections and one tablet every other day.
After a few weeks I then had to pay for another supply which cost £293.
I was still feeling bad and things did not appear to be improving, so I decided to discontinue the treatment.
I emailed them to explain everything, and Dr. Willims responded one week later with a generic response of three various ways to come off and, basically, see you later!
When I inquired whether there were any follow-ups needed, he said no, you could get blood tests if you wanted, but it wouldn't matter.
I've been off everything for a month, only taking HCG for 30 days to get things started, and I feel better than I did before.
I realised that my sleep troubles were the source of my low testosterone levels, not that my body was having trouble making it. I believe the team should have looked into this more thoroughly, as i feel that I never needed the treatment to begin with.
For me, everything seems to be about money, which I understand coming from someone who has ran a variety of businesses over the years.
While there is no doubt about the testosterone's quality, they lack the personal touch and appear to have a single-minded approach to everything.
A follow-up email to see how I was doing would have been nice, considering how much money I spent. Hopefully, lessons will be learned!