Kennedy Sutton
My grand son was born 6 months premature, he survived just over a month and then mysteriously died, because of some story they made up that don’t make any sense. My son and his gf were both convinced that the nurses did everything they could, but I don’t see it that way at all!
I saw the baby myself, many times, and the baby was a strong baby, a fighter, and was improving fast, he had an oxygen pipe going into his lungs to help his longs breath, as the baby was to small to breath on its own, and the nurses had to keep turning the baby every now and again.
I believe with all certainty that one of those nurses made a mistake and they as ruff that killed my grand son, by moving the pipe that went and logged itself into the baby’s lungs, and damaged something inside that made the baby die!
Why I came to this conclusion? Simply because when me and my son got there, the nurse were acting very weird, being nice about things but in a very fairy tale way, which defo made me wonder!
They way they were talking to a dead baby, like as if it was still alive was weird, and the way they were telling my son to take his dead baby outside to see the stars and smell the fresh air, was not normal, and from my experience with people, they will go to the extremes of being nice etc, just to cover up their mistakes, cause let’s face it, if they did mess up? They would most certainly not tell anyone it’s their fault, and would even go that extra mile of being nice to cover up their wrongs, as non of them want to be blamed for any misconduct.
But when people start to act abnormal, and start talking to a dead baby like as if it’s still alive etc? Then u got to believe something is not right here, even my son had to say to me that all the acting they were doing, don’t feel right!
My son and his gf are convinced that they did everything they could, so they didn’t want to go any further, but I know if he had have demanded an X-ray, they evidence will be there onto what actually happened!
The nurses tried to say that the baby moved, and logged the air pipe into his own lungs, which I know is impossible, simply because he was to small to move himself anyhow, as the nurses had to keep moving him, so that story don’t make any sense at all!
I believe when they loved the baby, they were ruff and logged the pipe into his longs when moving him, which caused him to die!
When you try and cover up a story, and start making everything like it’s a fairy tale, ( not real), then u can be curtain that someone is covering up the truth, cause they would never want to be blamed for any death, cause that can cause trouble for them etc. I ain’t no fool, I can see straight past the bullshit, and I totally believed they caused my grandsons death, cause the baby cannot move himself at that 6 months premature, that is a fact, so their story is a lie!
This is why I don’t trust any doctor or nurse, cause they all cover up each others mistake as a team, and they do things according to protocols and policies, not intuition, emotions and feelings, cause to them, it’s just a job!
I know the truth, and if the X-ray was developed, I bet the facts of what I’m saying would show the truth that I’m right! I can tell when someone is lying, but this has made me distrust them even more, just the same as that fake Covid they all believed in, a governments agenda to commit genocide upon the people to depopulate the planet, these people don’t care, just go according to protocol period, not common sense!
Belief is the enemy of knowing, that’s a fact! And when you believe to much into fairy tales like these nurses obviously do, and making as if a dead baby can see the stars, or breath fresh air when it’s dead, even talking to the baby as if it’s alive, putting teddy bears etc in a cote with the baby etc, it’s pure madness!!!
They killed my grand son and won’t admit it knowing that it could all come back into them, so my question is, how many more baby’s have they done this to? And how many more will dies in such mysterious circumstances, before someone starts speaking out?